Lane County Rural Safe Routes to School Update

Oakridge Elementary School students on Walk+Roll to School Day in October.

Lane County Rural Safe Routes to School had a busy fall! Dorena School kicked off our first Learn-to-Ride class, kindergarten and first graders went from balancing on strider bikes, to gliding, to pedaling—20 new pedalers in total! Nearly 500 students participated in Bicycle Safety Education, practicing on-the-bike skills, and learning to navigate their community.

Multiple schools participated in Walk and Roll to School Day in October and Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day in November. Through all these events and activities, we had amazing volunteers, staff, teachers, and administrators supporting students along the way—thank you.

Looking ahead, as winter meets spring, we expect to be just as busy in schools across rural Lane County. We are excited to be working with new schools and expanding Safe Routes to School to meet schools’ unique needs. Below, find details on some of the activities we support and dates to remember.


April is Earth Month – a perfect time to encourage students to walk and roll to school, or carpool. It’s a great opportunity to remind parents that the parking lot is a no idle zone.

Walk+Roll May Challenge—May 8th is National Bike and Roll to School Day, choose any date during the month of May, or make it a month-long challenge.

Learn-to-Ride | Kindergarten & 1st grade: Students learn to balance and glide on strider bikes, eventually graduating to pedaling on a their own.

Pedestrian/Scooter | 1st through 3rd grade: Students practice being safe as a pedestrian and scooter user. Students put those skills in practice with a community walk.

Bicycle Safety Education | 4th through 8th grade: Students practice their bike handling skills, learn traffic rules, and how to safely bike in their community.

If you are interested in any of these activities, or would like more information, please contact Megan Shull at


Image: Oakridge Elementary School students on Walk+Roll to School Day in October.