What You'll Find at RLID.org

Property Reports

Summary Property Report
Site address, property ownership, map and taxlot, tax account, assessor photo, boundary/land use, property values and taxes, two most recent sales/ownership transfers, and building characteristics.

Detailed Property Report
Site address, property ownership, map and taxlot, tax account, assessor photos and sketches, vicinity map, aerial photo, business report, building characteristics, boundary/land use, service providers, environmental data, political districts, schools, lien data, building permits, land use applications, tax statements, property values and taxes, tax code area and taxing districts, and sales and ownership transfers.

Recorded Documents & Images

Scanned images of recorded documents reliably available from 1994 forward. A complete index of all recorded documents going back to 1972. Prior to 1972, some subdivision document data, with the earliest document dating to 1856.

Maps & Interactive Mapping

Taxmaps, plats, floodmaps, aerial imagery, FEMA maps.

Interactive Mapping
Aerial photography, user-specified buffers, spatial selections around properties, environmental, topography, taxlot information, owner/occupant mailings, labels/lists, measurements, coordinates, and more.

Comparable Sales

Star rating system, property address and location map, photos, sale price per square foot, year built, bedrooms and bath.

Property name, site address, tax account, photos, sale date and price, year built, rental/unit income (if available), zoning, occupancy type, and more.

Vacant Land
Sales within last 5 years, grantor/grantee, acres, tax account, UGB, zoning, sale date and price, and recent deed.

Demographic & Business Reports

Census tract information, including population, sex and age, race, household by type, housing occupancy, and housing tenure, income, monthly rent, and more.  Same information for city, county, state, for comparison.

Business Reports
Business name, map and taxlot, tax account, primary address, owner, contact information (if available, phone number and website), additional business locations, SIC and NAICS, year established, employment size, and sales volume.

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