Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy

greenhouse emissions pie chart

Regional Greenhouse Gas Inventory

In 2010 the Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization completed a greenhouse gas inventory for the region. The emissions inventory was intended to establish a snapshot of the carbon footprint of the region in order to focus planning efforts to achieve long-term greenhouse gas emissions reductions.



Residents and businesses in the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan region are responsible for an estimated 3.2 million metric tons of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions annually. Major sources of Eugene-Springfield greenhouse gas emissions are as follows:

  • Energy: 11%
  • Materials (Goods and Food): 58%
  • Transportation: 31%

The study found that the 3 greatest sources of carbon emissions in the region are the goods and food consumed, transportation by car and truck, and the energy used in homes and buildings.



Greenhouse Gas Reduction Planning



The Oregon Legislature has established greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals relating to all sectors, including:

  • Commercial
  • Energy
  • Industrial land uses
  • Residential
  • Transportation

There is an existing statewide goal to reduce emissions to at least 75% below 1990 levels by the year 2050.

Following the establishment of these statewide goals, the first legislation enacted to address GHG emissions focused on the transportation sector. In Oregon the transportation sector accounts for approximately 34% of the overall GHG emissions in Oregon. Legislation regarding GHG reductions within the Transportation Sector was included in HB 2001, enacted in 2009, and SB 1059 which was enacted in 2010. SB 1059 directs ODOT to develop a Statewide Transportation Strategy covering all modes of transportation (light vehicles, heavy vehicles, rail, air, marine). Click here for more background information on SB 1059.

MPO Requirements

The Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization serving the Eugene-Springfield area is required to begin planning efforts to reduce Transportation Sector GHG emissions. The legislation requires the MPO to develop transportation modeling and other technical capabilities needed to estimate emissions. The legislation also requires the MPO to develop scenarios showing land use and transportation alternatives that result in a reduction of transportation sector GHG emissions.

Note: Scenario planning for reducing GHG emissions in metropolitan areas only requires consideration of light vehicles, not heavy trucks or other modes of transportation. Light vehicles are described as vehicles under 10,000 lbs of gross vehicle weight, including:

  • Cars
  • Light trucks
  • Minivans
  • Motorcycles
  • Sports utility vehicles


GHG Reduction Targets

Reduction targets are being set for the state’s 6 metropolitan areas to inform scenario planning and to illustrate what it will take to accomplish our statewide goals. The emission reduction targets are to be accomplished through a combination of actions at the statewide and the local level, including changes in our transportation systems, vehicle and fuel technologies and community design. To develop the targets a study was conducted to estimate potential future changes to fuel technology, vehicle technology, and the makeup of our vehicle fleet. This resulted in a finding that an additional 21% per capita reduction in transportation sector greenhouse gas emissions would be required within the Eugene-Springfield area by the year 2035.


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