Length of Commute

Click on the four tabs below to explore Length of Commute and Time Leaving for Work for the Central Lane MPO Area related to length of commute and commute time of day.  Note that the data pertain ONLY to Journey to Work (commute) travel, not ALL travel.

Data shown are 5-year estimates from the American Community Survey (ACS). Years shown are the ending years of each 5-year sampling period. For example, 2009 represents the 5-year ACS estimates based on sampling conducted from 2005-2009. Corresponding data from the 2000 decennial Census are also shown.
The Eugene Urbanized Area is defined by the Census Bureau, and approximates the Central Lane Transportation Management Area (the MPO Area).  The Salem Urbanized Area is included for sake of comparison.

Hover over any data element to see the estimated number of work trips and the share of work trips in each category. Click on any data category to highlight that category.  Click again to release. Use the filters provided to more closely examine specific years, geographies, and commute characteristics.

Sources of ACS 5-year Journey-to-Work data shown in this dashboard are as follows:
     Length of Commute: Table B08303
     Time Leaving for Work: Table B08302