Central Lane MPO

Central Lane MPO Area Map

What is the Central Lane MPO?

Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) is the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the central Lane County area that includes the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area and Coburg. The MPO is the lead agency for regional transportation planning and distributing federal transportation dollars for the Central Lane County area. The MPO works cooperatively with local governments and transit providers to set priorities for transportation needs.  This process enables our area to receive millions of dollars annually in federal transportation funding. The Governor designated LCOG as the MPO for this area in 1974. The Central Lane MPO is one of over 400 MPOs across the country and one of nine MPOs in Oregon.

Download a fact sheet containing additional information about the Central Lane MPO in English and en Español below.

What does the Central Lane MPO do?

The Central Lane MPO serves as the forum for cooperative transportation decision making. The MPO channels federal funding for transportation projects and programs through a sound planning process that is comprehensive, cooperative, and continuing. There are five core functions of an MPO:

  1. Establish a fair and impartial setting for regional decision making.
  2. Evaluate transportation options. 
  3. Maintain a long-range transportation plan covering a 20 year planning horizon.
  4. Develop a Transportation Improvement Program covering a period of at least four years and Prioritize Projects.
  5. Involve the public.

Other responsibilities of the MPO include providing technical modeling of the transportation system to local governments; facilitating the interaction of federal, state, and local agencies dealing with transportation issues; managing the analysis and process for maintaining conformity with federal air quality standards; preparation of financial analysis and project programming; and providing opportunities for public involvement.

What area do we plan for?

The MPO Planning Area Map covers the area within the urban growth boundaries of Eugene, Springfield, and Coburg, and a small area of Lane County adjacent to these urban areas. Partners in the MPO are:

  • City of Coburg
  • City of Eugene
  • City of Springfield
  • Lane County
  • Lane Transit District
  • Oregon Department of Transportation

Lane Council of Governments coordinates and staffs the MPO. Point-2-Point (formerly Commuter Solutions, an office within LTD) coordinates and staffs the Transportation Demand Management / Transportation Options area of work.

Who makes Decisions for the Central Lane MPO?

The decision making body of the Central Lane MPO is the Metropolitan Policy Committee (MPC), which was created by Eugene, Springfield, and Lane County to cooperate on issues of regional importance. The Metropolitan Policy Committee is comprised of public officials from Springfield, Eugene, Lane County, Coburg, Lane Transit District, and the Oregon Department of Transportation.