Statewide Transportation Improvement Program

The Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is Oregon’s 4 year transportation capital improvement program identifying prioritization, funding, and scheduling of transportation projects and programs. It includes:

  • projects on the federal, state, city and county transportation systems
  • multimodal projects (highway, passenger rail, freight, public transit, bicycle and pedestrian)
  • projects in the National Parks, National Forests and Indian tribal lands

While new Federal regulations require that each state produce a STIP at least once every 4 years, Oregon is continuing to produce a new STIP every 2 years. By federal regulation, the STIP must include the MPO's Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) without change.

Oregon’s currently approved program is the STIP, adopted by the Oregon Transportation commission and approved by USDOT in July 2017. The state has also developed an online mapping tool to enable you to see where state transportation project dollars are being spent.