Performance Based Planning

Performance-based planning utilizes performance data to inform decision-making and outcomes. In 2016, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the Federal Highway Authority (FHWA) published the final rules requiring metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) to coordinate with transit providers to set performance targets and performance plans that are integrated into local planning documents. These requirements are a result of transportation law, established through MAP-21 and the FAST Act, requiring agencies that receive federal transportation funding to transition to outcome-based decision-making and planning. 

National performance measures have been established in the following categories: Safety on Roads, Pavement Condition on the Interstate and Non-Interstate National Highway System, Bridge Condition on the National Highway System , Performance of the National Highway System, Freight Movement on the Interstate System, Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality – On-Road Mobile Source Emissions , and Transit Asset Management.


The Central Lane MPO Policy Board adopted Resolutions to support the State targets for the following Federal Highway Performance Measures:


Safety (Resolution 2018-01)

  1. Number of roadway fatalities
  2. Number of roadway severe injuries
  3. Roadway fatalities per vehicle miles traveled
  4. Roadway severe injuries per vehicles miles traveled
  5. Combined non-motorized fatalities and non-motorized severe injuries


Pavement Condition (Resolution 2018-10)

  1. Percentage of pavements of Interstate System in Good condition
  2. Percentage of pavements of the Interstate System in Poor condition
  3. Percentage of pavements of the non-Interstate NHS in Good condition
  4. Percentage of pavements of the non-Interstate NHS in Poor condition


Bridge Condition (Resolution 2018-10)

  1. Percentage of NHS bridges by deck area classified as in Good condition
  2. Percentage of NHS bridges by deck area classified as in Poor condition


National Highway System Performance (Resolution 2018-10)

  1. Percent of the person-miles traveled on the Interstate that are reliable (Interstate Travel Time Reliability measure)
  2. Percent of person-miles traveled on the non-Interstate NHS that are reliable (Non-Interstate Travel Time Reliability measure)


Truck Travel Time Reliability Index (Freight Reliability measure)

  1. Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality- On-Road Mobile Source Emissions (Resolution 2018-10)
  2. Total Emissions Reduction of PM-10 from Funded CMAQ Projects


Transit Asset Management Tier II (Resolution 2019-02)

  1. Equipment – Automobiles
  2. Rolling Stock – Over the Road Bus
  3. Rolling Stock – Bus
  4. Rolling Stock – Cutaway
  5. Rolling Stock – Van
  6. Rolling Stock – SUV
  7. Rolling Stock – Automobile
  8. Facilities – Passenger/ Parking Facilities
  9. Facilities – Administrative/ Maintenance Facilities